Love the basket idea. I like to keep a pretty lined notebook handy and jot down ideas while they are percolating. It feels very writerly, which helps. It is also small, so can go anywhere with me, also a bonus!

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I always say ideas are the easy part. Turning them into stories with a full interesting characters in a coherent story arc is the hard part.

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So true! It's all about execution (which I hope to cover here, a little anyway :-).

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Inspirational! I’m in. I’ll play along. I’ve got several kids books floating around my brain. I do have a question about your religion series. Is it possible to buy if I’m not an institution?

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Those religion books are harder to find... The series was published by an educational press. I could get you a set (I have some); just send me an email to fleurbradley25@gmail.com.

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