When Life Tells You to Write
Where Fleur takes a beat under the snowdome and writes all the words.
It’s been a strange week here at Casa Fleur. Between the news, the weather, and just general shifting of the ground, I’ve felt a bit… Discombobulated. Maybe you feel the same.
I subscribe to Austin Kleon’s newsletter and he called it whiplash, which was the most appropriate way to describe it to me. I needed a minute to find my footing and decide what’s next.
Thankfully, Mother Nature always provides. She gave us in Colorado a snowdome of sorts: basically, it was snowing here since Tuesday to Saturday. The quiet outside, the calm on the roads was just what I needed to take a beat. Isn’t it beautiful?
In true Dutch redheaded fashion, I quickly decided I was just going to get back to work and WRITE. It’s what I do best, I’d like to think. Aside from also making a mean soup in the ol’ slowcooker, of course. My freezer is full, and my heart is on fire.
Something tells me we have work ahead, and I for one am not letting anything slide.
What I’m Writing
I finished revisions on my top-secret (not really, but it sounds cool) mystery for kids, which I’ve decided I’d like to complete by the end of this year. I’m on track.
I’ve also been working on a non-fiction writing craft book; that’s also coming along nicely. With some more pissed-offness (I expect there will be plenty), I should finish this one by the end of 2024 as well.
I feel a productive few years coming on…
Where I’m Going
The lovely bookstore The Bookies in Denver is kind and brave enough to host a holiday event at their store on November 16th. They’ll be invaded joined by a whole lot of children’s and YA writers and illustrators. YOU CAN GIVE SIGNED BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. I put this in all-caps so hopefully you pay attention. Give a book, I beg of you. It’ll keep our world educated and thinking for themselves.
Even those kids or adults who say they don’t read really just haven’t discovered the right book yet. Give a graphic novel. Give a true crime book. Give a picture book.
Alrighty, I’ll kick myself off my soapbox now. You get the idea.
What I’m Reading
The publisher was kind enough to mail me a copy of Jami Attenberg’s 1000 Words: a Writer’s Guide to Staying Creative, Focused, and Productive All Year Round. With November being National Novel Writing Month (I’m not joining, but you may be) and all, it seemed a good one. I’m starting it this week and will let you know how it is.
What I’m Watching
Lotsa snow had me binge-watching The Coroner (Canadian edition, not the other one on Britbox) on Hulu, and it’s quite good—plus, it gives an interesting look at the different justice system they have up north. It also had me realizing that perhaps I was a Canadian in another life, because I could identify with so many things…
And I appreciate they didn’t pretend to set this one Seattle and then film it in Canada. Embrace your Canadian-ness, eh?
Comparing it to the UK version, I thought this one was better. The ensemble cast is rick and Jenny (the coroner) has personal struggles that felt more contemporary than its British counterpart. Give it a try, if you find yourself under a snowdome or just need a good escape.
Your Weekly Floof
I’ve been cleaning around the house here and there, and it’s stressing Floof out because she thinks I’m going on a trip. She keeps finding cubbies to hide in, including this one.
No worries, Floof. I’m staying put for the rest of 2024.
At least Floof doesn't try to trip you on the stairs to keep you home. Like my two.
Your inspiration is inspiring me. Cheers.