I’m back from my week of school visits in the Austin, TX area—it was awesome and a blast to visit ten (!) different schools and see about 4k students (rough Fleur math) overall. The kids were smart, the educators amazing, and the school libraries made me want to pop a squat, cross-cross-applesauce, and read for days.
Here are a few pictures (I can’t photograph the kids for the sake of their privacy) from the week, when I remembered to take some:
There was also a short writeup that the school district did. A quick quote they took from me: “I promise your story matters, and everybody wants to hear it!”
I sound pretty smart… I also so awesome a lot, it turns out.
Before this whirlwind of visits, my author friends from the Spooky MG group (and Austin, TX locals) Adrianna Cuevas and Samantha Clark joined me for lunch. They are the most awesome coolest people, and you should read their books.
We took a selfie, because it’s what the cool kids do.
My heart is full. It is time to get back to writing…
As luck would have it, it looks like winter has arrived here in Colorado. I’m hoping to sneak in a hike today, but then it’s snow on the menu next week. As much as I love Colorado, winter is not my favorite season. I’m trying to get the most from fall while I can and enjoy the pretty colors.
It also is election week, so I’m hiding from the news a little. I voted, like a mother. I hope we get some good news for our country this week. Meanwhile, I’m trying to focus on my revisions and I’m making soup.
Soup is always a good idea, especially during an election week.
What I’m Writing
I had hoped to get some work done on the road, but I should’ve known better than to think I would have the time and energy, after a full day of visits (they really are performances if you think about it, and I did four a day). I did some minor revision on my MG mystery but was mostly too wiped.
Eight more weeks until the end of the year. I am determined to finish this MG novel revision and prep it for (my) copyedits.
Where I’m Going
I’ll be at the November 16th Storybook Wonderland holiday shopping event at The Bookies, along with a few dozen (!) author and illustrator friends. If I were you, I would knock out all my holiday shopping there.
Books for everyone on your list! I’m a little biased…
Your Bi-Weekly Floof Chuchu
This week, it’s Chuchu who was front and center this weekend, stealing the dog bed. May you be as bold as Chuchu this week. And have this kind of face while you’re on it.